STACJA KULTURY Galeria w Łączniku, Świeradów-Zdrój, Poland
Exhibition 14.02.2025 - 27.02.2025
    The artwork thematically refers to the history of the former train station. The two primary colors are chosen not by accident. Red and green, the colors of railroad lights, which as thesis and antithesis meet opposite each other and merge into yellow. There is a meeting of two colors, two streams of light, which in physical phenomena is called by Goethe the highest of color phenomena.
    I translate this meeting of colors metaphorically into the language of art. Light becomes a narrative tool for me. The goal of my artwork becomes to create a situation of meeting and building certain human relations. Thus, the image of the sun, the most powerful symbol in human consciousness, which is meant to cause, or at least try to, bring people together using emotional and artistic language.

Photos Tomasz Freda
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